Projects overview

Lately we been spending time with the textbook and getting into groups to write up proper written reports for our mock trials, our past project of different reports for Law Enforcement, and now we have started a new project of using non-fiction clips of lawn enforcement incidents, and basing a whole report as we were the officers on duty. We have to write a report on any of the 4 types of written reports offered and basically tell the story to the "public". With that we have include all information but try to be as concise as we can. Concise and gets to the point. I like how we have to use our imagination and practice typing these types of reports so that we can avoid grammar errors and avoid huge conflicts/s scandals in the future. I really like how again we're not individually writing a report or writing a 5-7 page paper on a incident. I think it's more efficient to work together and write the report together so that we can teach each other and learn from one another. It's fun and productive. My group and I chose to use clip #7 with the officers getting called for a suicide attempt incident. The clip is rather short but a lot is shown within those short minutes. There was three officers on duty, witnesses, a weapon included, and ending with an injury. We felt that a type 3 report would be the best fit for our clip because the officers get involved in the scene. Our group is having an easy time coming up with all the information that we were given and incorporate that into a story that will give probable cause, the background story (history), the officers actions, the unfolding story, and how everything was handled in the end. We will be writing an arrest, incident, and injury report. The only thing that I would wish is that we had a little more time to complete this, like a whole class dedicated to us being in our groups to complete it. 


  1. When you say, "The clip is rather short but a lot is shown within those short minutes", I must agree! I'm proud of how you've worked to nuance and detail your reports!


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